Sims 4 Horse Ranch Cheats: Skills, Wants & Fears
Do you want to make your horse ranch experience easier?
With the following Sims 4 horse ranch cheats you can become the best in the West in no time at all.
With the game’s fourteenth expansion packs at hand, there’s plenty of new content to enjoy.
If you want to play the game just for fun, without the actual challenge of maxing out stats and skills, cheats are available for you.
These sims 4 horse ranch cheats allow you to control everything from your ranch’s horse to your sim’s skills, traits, wants, and fears.
So, let’s saddle up and get our cheats on.

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Cheats
These horse ranch cheats require Horse Ranch expansion pack to be installed in your game
To enable cheats, you must first launch open the Cheat Console.
Depending on the device you’re using, there are multiple ways to do this:
- To open the cheat box on a PC, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C] on the keyboard
- For PS4, press [X] + [O] or all four shoulder buttons.
- Press [A] + [B] or all four shoulder buttons for Xbox One users.
- With the cheat command console open, type testingcheats true or testingcheats on and press enter.
You are now ready to type in the Sims 4 Horse Ranch Cheats of your choice.
1. Horse Ranch Trait Cheats
These simple cheat codes allow you to add or remove a horse ranch trait.
Sims Trait Cheat | Outcome |
traits.equip_trait Trait_Rancher | Your sim gets the Rancher trait |
traits.equip_trait MasterTrainerSim | Your sim gets the Master Trainer trait |
traits.equip_trait HorseLover | Your sim gets the Horse Lover trait |
traits.remove_trait Trait_Rancher | Removes the Rancher trait |
traits.remove_trait MasterTrainerSim | Removes the Master Trainer trait |
traits.remove_trait HorseLover | Removes the Horse Lover trait |
2. Horse Ranch Skill Cheats
If you want to save time and max out the expansion pack’s newly added skills, then these sims 4 horse ranch cheats are for you.
You will need to know your sim’s and horse’s ID for the upcoming skill cheats.
To locate your Sim ID or Horse ID, you must first use another cheat.
With your cheat box open, type in the following cheat:
sims.get_sim_id_by_name {first name} {last name}
Skill Cheats | Outcome |
stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_EquestrianSkill 10 | Max out your Sim’s Horse Riding skill |
stats.set_skill_level AdultMinor_RanchNectar 5 | Max out your Sim’s Nectar Making skill |
Horse Skill Cheat | Outcome |
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Temperament 10 [Sim ID] | Max out your horse’s Temperament level |
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Endurance 10 [Sim ID] | Max out your horse’s Endurance level |
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Agility 10 [Sim ID] | Max out your horse’s Agility level |
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Jumping 10 [Sim ID] | Max out your horse’s Jumping level |
And remember, you can always adjust the max level 10 in the cheat codes above to any level between 1 and 10.
3. Horse Ranch Milestone Cheats
With these sims 4 horse ranch cheats, your sims can also get 3 different milestones.
You must install the AllCheats Mod by TwistedMexi to use these milestone cheats.
Milestone Cheats | Outcome |
developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone lifeMilestone_Life_TooMuchNectar | Your sim has drunk too much Nectar |
developmental_milestones.unlock_milestonelifeMilestone_FirstVictory_HorseCompetition | Your sim and horse place in the Ultimate Horse Championship |
developmental_milestones.unlock_milestonelifeMilestone_UltimateChampion_HorseCompetition | Your sim and horse win their first competition |
4. Horse Ranch Career Cheats
With the Horse Ranch expansion pack, there are no new careers for your sims but you can assign a career to other NPCs.
I’ve also included the cheats codes to retire your NPC’s too.
Career Cheats | Outcome |
careers.add_career HorseTrainerSim | Your sim becomes a Horse Trainer |
careers.retire HorseTrainerSim | Your sim retires from the Horse Training career |
careers.add_career RanchHandSim | Your sim becomes a Ranch Hand |
careers.retire RanchHandSim | Your sim retires from the Ranch Hand career |
careers.add_career MysteriousRancher | Your sim becomes a Mysterious Rancher |
careers.retire MysteriousRancherSim | Your sim retires from the Mysterious Rancher career |
Horse Ranch Wants & Fears Cheats
You can change your sims’ horse ranch-specific ambitions and fears with these cheats.
The following list will allow you to modify your sims’ ranch-related wants.
Wants Cheats | Outcome |
want_Nectar_Skill_LevelUp | Level up Nectar Making skill |
want_Nectar_Make_Money_Low | Make a low amount of simoleons from selling Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Money_Medium | Make a medium amount of simoleons from selling Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Money_High | Make a high amount of simoleons from selling Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Single | Make a single bottle of Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Multiple | Make multiple bottles of Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Quality | Make high-quality Nectar |
want_Rancher_DrinkAgedNectar | Drink some aged Nectar |
want_HorseLover_BeFriendlytoHorse | Be friendly to a horse |
want_HorseLover_MakeFriendsWithHorse | Make friends with a horse |
want_Rancher_BeFriendlytoLivestock | Be friendly to the livestock |
want_Rancher_BreedHorses | Breed horses |
want_HorseLover_CareForHorse | Care for a horse |
want_EnterHorseCompetition | Enter a Horse competition |
want_EnterMasterHorseCompetition | Enter a Master Horse competition |
want_WinHorseCompetition | Win a Horse competition |
want_WinMasterHorseCompetition | Win a Master Horse competition |
want_GoForEnduranceRide | Go for an Endurance Ride |
want_GoForEnergeticRide | Go for an Energetic Ride |
want_GoForLeisureRide | Go for a Leisurely ride |
want_HorseLover_HorsebackRiding | Go Horseback Riding |
want_Rancher_HarvestPlant _ExcellentQuality | Harvest Excellent quality plant |
want_Rancher_HarvestWildGrass | Harvest some Wild Grass |
want_Rancher_RefillFeeder | Refill the feeder |
want_LikedMusic_Listen_Ranch | Listen to some Ranch music |
want_SkillUp_Equestrian | Increase Equestrian Skill |
want_HorseLover_SkillUpEquestrian | Increase Equestrian Skill |
want_HorseLover_TellJokeAboutHorses | Tell horse jokes |
want_TrainHorse | Train a horse |
want_RideHorse | Ride a horse |
want_PetHorse | Pet a horse |
With the latest expansion pack, there are just a couple of fears to consider.
Fear Cheats | Outcome |
fear_ConfrontationGoal_Horses | Your sim has a fear of horses |
fear_ConfrontationGoal_Horses _Confident | Your sim has a fear of horses but is willing to try again |
Sims 4 Horse Ranch Cheats: Recap
As you can see, these sims 4 horse ranch cheats can save you a lot of time and trouble so that you can enjoy the new content without much effort.
You can use cheats to have the best stats for your horse, such as their Jumping or Temperament, just to name a couple.
These horse ranch cheats can also be used to assign jobs to non-playable sims.
There are so many cheats available to have better control of your game.
Whichever option you pick will surely come in handy in managing your horse and ranch.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us on Tumblr.