27+ Sims 4 Save Files: Revamp Your Sims World

Are you tired of having your sims’ household and world the same, game after game?

With the help of sims 4 save files, you can enjoy the game at a whole new level.

sims 4 saves files collage

When playing The Sims 4 game, you can diversify your gameplay in numerous ways.

You create your sims and place them in fabulous homes in one of the game’s gorgeous worlds.

After a while, things tend to get repetitive though, with players picking favorites, making the gameplay look too familiar.

Using another player’s save file is a different, fun, and creative way of playing the game.

Sims 4 Save Files

With our list of sims 4 save files, you’ll find fun new worlds to explore, bringing something fresh to the game.

Some of these saved files are base game friendly, while others may require additional packs, mods, or custom content.

Happy browsing.

1. Sims 4 Save Files by J. Q. Hani

collage three sims 4 base game worlds

If you have no packs installed, these sims 4 save files are perfect for you.

This save file contains base game worlds only, but if used with your packs, those will become the default.

There are no more vacant lands; each community and residential lot has its own building.

The sims have been given new hot and cold clothing options, careers, and relationships.

You can choose from two base game save files.

Sims inhabit the first version, while the other remains uninhabited.

2. Ratsave 1.2 Game File by RatBoySims

filename blurred palm trees background

This creator’s saved file is a work in progress, but everything is fully functional and playable.

New sims and builds have been added to the different worlds of the sims 4 universe.

Some of these worlds have more changes coming their way, but there are three that have been completed so far:

  • Willow Creek from the Base Game
  • Magnolia Promenade from the Get To Work EP
  • Sulani from the Island Living EP

If you don’t have any of the game’s packs, you can still enjoy the changes made to the base game’s Willow Creek.

3. Corner Save File for Sims 4 by Chrissie’s Corner

Images of Willow Creek and Oasis Springs

Through this downloaded save file, you get fully revamped versions of the base game’s Willow Creek and Oasis Springs.

Buildings were added or altered, and new sims have moved into the neighborhood.

Other worlds have also been tweaked, adding new buildings to empty lots.

Make sure to add the recommended mods before using these sims 4 save files.

4. Starter Sims 4 Save File by Simsie Save

view sims 4 willow creek park

This save file requires The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle expansion pack.

With this saved game, you can enjoy this newer version of Evergreen Harbor.

You get a bunch of new lots (50), renovated houses, and community lots.

Seventy-eight new families have made their way into the community.
The sims come with skills, relationships, careers, and stories.

5. Sims 4 Portsim Game File by Florwalsims

lineup tents in sidewalk in urban city

This save file requires The Sims 4: Get Famous expansion pack.

In this game, you’ll find a world that looks and feels like a rough part of town filled with poverty, crime, and drama.

This saved game for sims 4 has changed the looks of the Del Sol Valley world and renamed it Portsim.

A city with street gangs, graffiti, and junk everywhere.

The creator wanted this world to resemble a dangerous neighborhood in LA.

Experience the darker side of society with this incredible and perfectly decorated world.

You can grab the Lit Version for better visuals, realism, and some rated R content, which requires some mods and cc.

6. Sims 4 Saved Game File by Windbrook

blurred commercial city block

The creator has done excellent work creating the world of Windbrook, formerly known as Willow Creek.

It was made to look like the creator’s hometown in Michigan, which really does have that Midwest appearance.

All the buildings and their inhabitants have been replaced and remade from scratch.

This sims 4 save file stands out because everything looks realistic and has great attention to detail.

As a side note, if you have multiple packs installed, you’ll notice that all the towns, except for Willow Creek, are empty.

7. Ten Years Later by Charly Pancakes

updated world willow creek

If you enjoy playing the base game’s worlds, this sims 4 save file adds a fun twist to the game.

Fast forward 10 years and see how Willow CreekOasis Springs, and Newcrest have changed since the last decade.

You’ll see new and renovated buildings and places that no longer exist, like Magnolia Blossom Park.

New families have made themselves at home, complete with backstories and relationships.

8. Not So StrangerVille Game File by Suppjason

filename with blurred old wild west town

This save file requires The Sims 4: StrangerVille game pack.

With this sims 4 saved game file, experience the old western-looking town in a new way, minus the creepy plants.

Now, the Not So Strangeville world works as a plain and ordinary town that your sims can enjoy in their day-to-day lives.

Some of the elements from the main story are still present in the town, so be warned of potential spoilers.

So, if you still need to complete the game pack’s mystery story and want to avoid spoils, you better stay away from this saved game.

9. Super Save File for Sims 4 by Harrie

collage blurred preview worlds

This save file requires one of the following expansion packs: Island Living, Get Famous, or the Cats & Dogs EP.

Out with the old and in with the new.

Explore the newly renovated towns of SulaniDel Sol Valley, and Brindleton Bay.

Every single lot and building have been demolished and replaced by new ones for a complete overhaul of these worlds.

You can also meet up with the Johnsons, Santos, and Dominic as the newest additions to the sim community.

10. Disney Save Willow Creek by Tomi Lyn

female sim with map willow creek

If you’re a Disney enthusiast, this saved game is for you.

This sims 4 save file has revamped the base game’s Willow Creek.

Each lot, building, and sim have been given a Disney makeover.

Even Willow Creek’s hidden location, Sylvan Glade, was not spared by the Disney-themed touch.

Sims were custom-made and given cute outfits, pets, occults, jobs, etc.

Although it’s optional, you can use the Timeless mod, which helps declutter the world of modern items.

This mod allows the recreation of the charming Disney look we know and love.

11. Ultimate Sims 4 Save File by PlumbobKingdom

before after changes to ported city

This save file is a work in progress that will ultimately improve all the game’s towns.

For now, the creator is changing the worlds themselves and will eventually move on to modifying the sim populace.

The work that has been done so far looks incredible, and I can’t wait for the finished result.

You can still play and enjoy the game; it’ll just get better over time.

12. Dead End Saved Game File by Florwalsims

abandoned biohazard zone

For a different and more thrilling gameplay, check out this post-apocalyptic world.

A deadly virus has spread across the land, and the world is now populated by either survivors or the infected.

The amount of detail in this saved game is quite impressive, much like any survival horror game.

To play this sims 4 save file, you’ll need to install some mods and cc, but it’s totally worth it.

13. Completed Sims 4 Save File by Maybe-Emily

collage different sims 4 worlds

This download is the ultimate collection of sims 4 save files.

Every world has been rebuilt and populated by sims, which were individually created, complete with traits, skills, careers, etc.

There are no more empty lots, and some houses are left unfurnished for your decorating pleasure.

Whether you play the base game or have a few packs installed, there’s a sims 4 save file for any simmer.

Check out the linked navigation page to learn more about all the available saved game files based on the packs used.

The best part is that they’re all free of custom content for a quick plug-and-play game.

14. Sims 4 Asian-Inspired Save File by MsFrankenstein910

asian style house on willow creek street

Do you like Asian architecture? If so, this saved game file is for you.

The sims 4 save file changes the theme to some worlds and gives them an Asian-inspired look.

Three worlds have been revamped:

  • The base game’s Willow Creek
  • The Cats & Dogs EP’s Brindleton Bay
  • The Get Together EP’s Windenburg

All the other worlds remain the same, but these three simply look amazing.

They really do bring the Asian charm to the Sims 4 game, especially with the use of gorgeous cherry blossom trees.

15. Save File for Sims 4 Decades Challenge by Antiquated Plumbobs

sepia picture 1890 sims 4 town

Have you considered taking on the Sims Decades Challenge?

This sims 4 save file will get you started with the town of Brindleton Bay set in the 1890s.

Everything is set to be historically accurate so that it’s ready for you to begin your decades challenge.

For this world, the creator has used some historical cc, different packs and some mods.

You can find the optional mods linked on the download page.

16. Sims 4 Save Files Version 3  by Simkhira

black white view town street

This saved game file has improved the look of some of the game’s worlds.

The worlds affected by these changes are:

  • The base game’s Willow Creek and Newrest
  • The Get To Work’s Magnolia’s Promenade

When opening the sims 4 save file, if you’re like me, you’ll first notice the landscaping work and added trees.

A lot of buildings and homes were updated, inside and out.

It’s an overall great improvement over the game’s default towns.

The sims were all given a complete background profile, like relationships, careers, etc.

When downloading, you’ll notice that the file is huge because the creator has included a lot of cc in it.

Grab the creator’s other recommended cc and mods linked on the download page to get the best results.

17. Version 6.0 Fleuralia Save File by Fleuraliasave

map sims 4 willow creek

If you have several packs installed and you’re looking for sims 4 save files that affects a lot of worlds, this one is for you.

The creator has done a terrific job redesigning and redecorating several of the game’s worlds.

They’re roughly 20 towns from different packs, including the base game’s original three that have been redone.

All the existing sims were given background profiles, and new families were added.

Also, community lots were inserted in several towns to add variety and fun new activities for your sims.

18. The Original Fishy Save File for Sims 4 by Fishy12233

map view sims 4 willow creek

Are you looking for more base game-friendly sims 4 save files?

This saved game doesn’t require any other packs.

All three of the original towns have been rebuilt from the ground up for a total of 57 new lots.

These changes apply to both residential and community lots.

The newly added greenery to the landscape is a great touch because it makes the towns look more natural.

New families were added as well, complete with traits, skills, etc.

19. Fantasy Save File by Little Red Riding Sim

gnome-themed house and sims

Here we have another great save file that changes up all the worlds in the game by giving them a fantastical theme.

Every world has been remade and renamed into fun fantasy names.

To give you an idea, Willow Creek has been renamed Gnome Creek and San Myshuno into Cybershuno, to name a few.

All the worlds were beautifully designed, changing everything around and making them look and feel like whole new worlds.

For the best gaming experience, its best to have all the necessary packs installed.

Elements (costumes, objects, functionalities) taken from packs you don’t own will be missing in your gameplay.

20. Sims 4 All In One Save by Emily

view of all sim worlds

The creator has previously revamped all the sim worlds and posted them individually.

This save file brings all the worlds, from Willow Creek to Chestnut Ridge, into one file.

Each world includes new sims, sims backgrounds, and new builds.

And, for players that don’t own every single pack, you’ll find all the worlds listed on the creator’s page.

Just pick and choose the worlds you have.

These worlds are amazing and fun to play with, so be sure to try them out.

21. Medieval Gameplay Save File by Divan the Simmer

sims dressed in fantasy clothing

If you’re a fan of fantasy worlds, this save file has converted 19 of the game’s worlds, giving them a fantasy theme.

For example, Oasis Springs has been renamed Egypt, and the world has been renovated to look like Ancient Egypt, complete with pyramids and temples.

Brindleton Bay from the Sims 4: Cats & Dogs EP has been changed into Pirate’s Cove, a pirate-themed world with a ship and all.

There are a lot more fun worlds like those to discover.

And, to recreate these worlds, the creator has listed some recommended mods and cc to use.

So, make sure to grab and install them in your game.

22. San Myshuno 2.0 Savefile by Galaxysuede

lit up city in dark

If you have installed the Sims 4: City Living expansion pack, this saved file offers a new version of the San Myshuno world.

The revamped world features new community lots, sims, and households.

All sims have a profile with skills, a career, and more.

The creator has included a link to all the updated lots so you can add them to your game.

Some of the lots have been made using items from another pack, so you may be missing a piece or two if you don’t own that specific pack.

23. MSR Gameplay Save File Version 1.0 by Misssimreno

collage different worlds and sims

In this save file, the creator started the process of rebuilding the game’s worlds.

Since it’s version 1.0 and a work in progress, some lots have yet to be changed.

This rebuild features changes, such as:

  • Makeovers for existing sims
  • Full profiles for sims, complete with skills, career, and more
  • Families were added with their own description
  • Most worlds have at least one starter home

The base game world of Newcrest is the only one that has been left untouched.

The creator used all the game’s packs for these rebuilds.

You may be missing some elements depending on your current packs.

24. All-World Gameplay Save File by Lustrousims

sky view dryland sims world

As the name states, the All-World save file modifies all of the game’s worlds (except for Moonwood Mill).

In this pack, you get new simcitizens and builds.

Both residential and community lot buildings have been rebuilt from the ground up and feature new venues.

For example, the base game world of Willow Creek now has a museum, lounge, cafe, and wedding venue.

Several houses are available in each world for sims to move into while the locals occupy the rest.

If you have the Werewolves game pack installed, the creator warns players against installing the mods.

25. It’s A Save File Upgraded Worlds by HaleDela

view sunny sky with palm

For this save file, the creator has fulfilled every single lot of every world up to Cottage Living’s Henford-on-Bagley.

All the lots have been filled in this save, so there are no more empty lots, including the normally empty Newcrest.

Every building has been updated, even the ones usually locked from editing.

The families all have a house assigned to them.

As for the sims, they’ve been tweaked a bit, subtly changing their appearance.

26. Dizzy Isy Save File Version 6 by Isleroux

multiple sim families posing in front world

This file overhauls the game’s worlds up to San Sequoia from the Sims 4: Growing Together EP.

The save file includes modifications to the worlds, such as:

  • New lots
  • Empty house options to move into for different budgets
  • Rental options for holiday spots
  • New sims
  • New holidays
  • New clubs with custom activities
  • Secret lots revamped
  • New sims lore through photos, books, etc
  • And much more

For this save file, it is recommended that you have all the packs installed in your game.

The creator has done great work with these worlds, so be sure to check this file out.

27. A Save File For The Sims 4 Version 2.0 by Lostinsophiesave

collage of four sims worlds

With this save file, you can explore all the newly renovated worlds up to Horse Ranch’s Chestnut Ridge.

All the sims have had a makeover, complete with skill sets, relationships, and careers.

The different worlds also welcome new families into the fold.

Builds have been updated using most of the game’s packs to get the most out of them and make the worlds as gorgeous as can be.

Overall, the creator has done a terrific job updating the game’s worlds with new buildings, houses and families.

28. Sims 4 Bae Game + For Rent Save File by Emily

game map of Tomarang

This save file is for the base game and the For Rent expansion pack. Your base game worlds and Tomarang will get the upgrades they deserve. 

In Tomarang, you can expect a revamped National Park, stunning builds, and some new families.

Ro Kaya Rockside is one of my favorite builds; it has 6 apartment units with a beautiful outdoor space and an inground pool.

The Isda Riverfront units are simple yet unique, with a shared center courtyard. 

Discover all the new possibilities.

Sims 4 Save Files Recap

Playing with other players’ saved games is a great way to diversify your gameplay.

Most of these sims 4 save files have rebuilt worlds, which makes the game feel entirely new.

Like the creator that set the scene for a post-apocalyptic world, complete with infected sims and more.

With these saved games, some wow factor and hidden gems are waiting to be played.

We hope you like our selection of saved files and that’ll you’ll try a few.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us on Tumblr.

And don’t forget to share and save this pin for later!

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