Sims 4 Restaurant Cheats (Cheat Codes)

Have you always wanted to be a restauranteur?

With the sims 4 restaurant cheats, you can become the best dine-out spot in town.

dining table outside of restaurant

Running a restaurant is never easy, which still holds true for restaurants in the sims 4.

But with the sims 4 dine out cheats, you will be able to unlock some helpful restaurant perks to improve your customer’s dining experience and your business.

From extending your customer’s patience level to them ordering more expensive menu items, there is a sims 4 restaurant cheat for almost all scenarios.

Sims 4 Restaurant Cheats

These restaurant cheats require The Sims 4: Dine Out game pack to be installed in your game.

Are you having a hard time getting your restaurant going?

Are guests tired of waiting for their food?

We’ve got different restaurant cheats to help you with staff and customers and to help maximize profits by unlocking perks.

Before we get started, let’s enable cheats by following these easy steps:

  • On your PC, to open the cheat box, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C] on your keyboard

  • With the cheat console opened, type testingcheats true or testingcheats on

  • Then press [Enter]

  • You may want to leave the cheat console open for the cheats listed below

You are now ready to type in the sims 4 restaurant cheats of choice.

Cheat CodeOutcome
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalChef trueThe Additional Chef perk doubles the food output by adding an extra chef.
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 trueThe Additional Waiter #1 perk
enables your ability to hire an extra waiter.
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_2 trueThe Additional Waiter #2 perk
enables your ability to hire a second waiter. You must hire server #1 before hiring #2.
bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_1 trueThe Ingredient Discount (small) perk slightly lowers the cost of ingredients (by 20%), increasing profits by a little.
bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_2 trueThe Ingredient Discount (large) perk cuts the cost of ingredients (by 40%), significantly improving profits.
bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat trueThe Chef’s Hat perk unlocks an extra chef’s hat for your sim to wear.
bucks.unlock_perk EatFaster trueFast Eaters perk will have your customers eating at a faster pace.
bucks.unlock_perk ExpensiveOrders trueWell-Funded Foodies perk leads to customers ordering more expensive meals.
bucks.unlock_perk IngredientCostDiscount trueSurplus Harvest perk
reduces the cost of ingredients by half. (Lasts 24 hours)
bucks.unlock_perk IngredientQualityOptions trueThe Ingredient Quality Options perk allows selecting the quality of ingredients.
bucks.unlock_perk InspirationalSpeechSocial trueInspirational Speech perk
motivates employees through the unlocked Inspirational Speech social interaction.
bucks.unlock_perk LengthenImpatienceTimeout trueThe Patient Patrons perk increases the time before customers get upset over slow service.
bucks.unlock_perk LowerChanceBadEvents_Small trueThe Well Managed perk helps the restaurant run smoothly while you’re away, reducing the chance of mishaps.
bucks.unlock_perk LowerEmployeeTrainingCost trueLower Employee Training Costs perk cuts down the cost of training new employees by half.
bucks.unlock_perk MoreCustomers trueThe Meal Rush perk doubles the number of customers at the restaurant. (Lasts 24 hours)
bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishSocial trueThe Curious Customers perk will allow customers to ask for meal recommendations.
bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishFrequency trueCuriouser Customers perk will
have customers requesting meal recommendations more often.
bucks.unlock_perk RiskFreeMarkup trueTidy Tippers perk makes customers tips more generously. You can purchase this perk multiple times.
Dine Out Cheat Codes

Sims 4 Restaurant Cheats Recap

As you can see, these codes make for excellent restaurant cheats for your sims 4 dine-out gameplay.

You can also use the provided cheat codes to unlock the perks without covering the cost in points.

Whichever option you pick will surely come in handy in managing and bringing success to your restaurant.

On that note, bon appetit.

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