31+ Sims 4 Werewolf Mods: Walk, Behaviors & Poses

Unleash your inner beast’s potential with these cool sims 4 werewolf mods.

The Sims 4 Werewolves game pack is fun if you are into occult gameplay.

Your sims can turn into werewolves, go on the prowl, hunt, and even dig for collectibles.

But, if you want to tweak the game’s mechanics or get new features, this is where sims 4 werewolf mods come along.

Why stick to the basics when you can use mods to change your werewolf’s temperament and walk or even assign them a career?

Let’s take a deeper look into the world of werewolves.

sims 4 werewolf mods collage

Terrific Sims 4 Werewolf Mods

In this list of sims 4 werewolf mods, you’ll find various ways to change your werewolf sims’ behaviors, looks, and more.

So, it’s time to go on the prowl and hunt for some new content for your werewolves.


1. Predefined Werewolf Fur Templates by SIMS4 HQ

cas werewolf with fur options

This mod adds fur templates for your sims’ luscious coat that’ll work with or without the HQ mod.

So, if you enjoy playing the game in high quality, this fur mod is a great option.

Note that if you play with the HQ mod, you cannot use the paint feature because it’ll cause your game to crash.

2. Easier Werewolf Sympathy Mod by Awwoo

white werewolf chatting with female sim

If you want an easier way for non-werewolf sims to be comfortable around your occult sims, check out this mod.

Usually, it takes almost the highest friendship level (99+) with other sims before you can successfully ask for werewolf sympathy.

With this mod, that friendship level requirement is lowered significantly to 65+. This way, it’ll be much easier to get accepted by others.

3. Solo Werewolf Poses by Natalia-Auditore

collage male sim doing werewolf poses

This sims 4 werewolf pose pack comes with 12 solo poses.

From clutching their chest to clawing the floor, this pack has a great mix of poses to create amazing screenshots.

4. Collection of Tweaks for Werewolves by Chipped’s Creation Corner

werewolf biting male sim on arm

This collection adds four gameplay mods for your sim werewolves.

The Venomous Bite allows werewolves to bite vampires with a poisonous effect.

The Vicious Wolves mod gives three interactions that your beastly sims can do autonomously, such as:

  • Having the cursed bite turn sims into werewolves
  • Start fights between normies, vampires, or other werewolves
  • Cross-compatibility with the Venomous Bite

For regular sims, the Wolf Protection allows adding Wolfsbane to food or drinks, protecting them for 24 hours.

Lastly, the Wolfy Walkstyle mod enables the walk-and-run walkstyles typically only available while rampaging.

5. Werewolf Body Stuff by SpinningPlumbobs

two pairs of werewolf legs

These sims 4 werewolf mods give the option to have paintable tails and override how the legs look.

In this game pack, sim werewolves have humanoid-looking legs, but this mod gives them more of a wolf-like appearance.

6. Sims 4 Werewolf Bloodlines by Baniduhaine

menu explaining werewolf bloodline trait

This werewolf mod considers how strong your occult sims’ bloodline is and grants perks depending on its strength.

A set of rules determines if your sims have weakstrong, or ancient bloodlines.

The type of bloodline you get will be assigned as reward traits.

Each bloodline will be given a rate of:

  • 10% for Weak bloodlines
  • 20% for the Strong ones
  • 30% for Ancient lineages

That rate determines how much werewolves will:

  • Gain XP faster
  • Increase their pack value faster
  • Slowly increase their Fury level

7. Werewolf Couple Love Poses by KD89

poses of werewolves in love

If you have two sim werewolves in love, why not take cute pictures of them using wolfy couple poses?

These werewolf poses will show the two in a loving embrace in four ways: two standing and two crouching.

8. Lethal Chocolate for Werewolves by Awwoo

collage sim and werewolf eating chocolate

This werewolf mod will make your occult sims more similar to dogs by making them sick when they eat chocolate.

After eating chocolatey goods, werewolves will gain a +2 Happy buff, but they won’t be so happy afterward.

Your sims will start feeling sick and need to flush it out of their system.

It’s only when the buff disappears that your wolfy sims are safe.

The longer the buff stays, the more likely your sims will get chocolate poisoning and may end up dying.

So, it would be best to stay clear of those sweet delights.

9. Werewolf Experience Mod by Chaavik

sim with werewolf needs meter window

Progressing through the werewolf ability system is hard because you get so few XP at once.

This werewolf mod helps rebalance the experience-gaining process.

With this mod, depending on the task performed, you’ll get to 3 times the XP you’d usually get compared to EA’s values.

10. Eyeliner Begone Mod by NocturneAlley

werewolf without eyeliner

If you don’t like heavy eye circles on your werewolves, this simple mod will remove the eyeliner.

You can also use this mod to remove the coloring from your werewolves’ hands and feet.

Pick the default replacement file for the elements you want to remove.

11. Werewolves Scavenge Faster by Simmillercc

werewolf with red eyes

This mod is handy because it greatly reduces the time it takes for your werewolves to scavenge.

When they go scavenging, werewolves usually take 10 to 20 minutes.

With this mod, you get two options, but you can install only one at a time:

  • Reduces scavenging time down to 6 to 10 minutes
  • Significantly reduce the time from 1 to 5 minutes

12. Sims 4 Werewolves Mod by SpinningPlumbobs

male sims and werewolf posing together

This werewolf mod is an excellent addition to your werewolf gameplay.

There is a lot to unfold, so I highly recommend reading through all the details on the download page.

Some of the perks include the ability to blend mod werewolves (now called lycans and gamepack werewolves into hybrids.

But this is just a tiny part of this mod; there is so much to discover.

13. Slightly Better Werewolf Romance by SweetSimmer

werewolves embarrassed

This mod unlocks two interactions to use the Romance pie menu.

Now, your occult sims will be able to engage a potential love interest with these actions:

  • Growl Seductively
  • Make Wolf Eyes At

Using these interactions successfully will grant your sims mood buffs.

On the other hand, if these actions fail, your sims will get an embarrassed buff.

14. Instant Dislike for Vampires & Werewolves by Awwoo

werewolf waving at female sim

You’ll also need the Sims 4: Vampires game pack installed for this mod to work.

Vampires and werewolves are not meant to be friends because they dislike each other and get -50 friendship from the get-go.

This mod tweaks the friendship level between the two occult sims.

You can tone down the dislike level to -30 rather than the default -50.

A second option removes the conflict level for vampires and werewolves living in the same household.

And lastly, there’s also the option to completely end the animosity between the two clans.

15. Club Activity for Werewolves by Chipped’s Creation Corner

werewolf social club menu window

For this mod, you’ll need the Sims 4: Get Together expansion pack.

Using this sims 4 werewolf mod, you can assign custom activities to your social clubs.

Now your club can include werewolf activities, such as:

  • Embrace Werewolf Nature
  • Howl
  • Rampage
  • And more

17. The Beast in You Mod Pack by KD89

collage werewolf poses

This mod pack is for a set of poses for your sims werewolves.

There are 15 poses total, plus three poses that use a stone fence to stand on.

The poses vary between standing and crouching, making terrific pictures of your furry sims.

18. Occult Socials from TS3 by Kennetha_v

female sim giving belly rub to werewolf

You’ll need the Vampires GP; some sources come from the Cats & Dogs EP.

The creator has converted some social interactions from the Sims 3 game.

You’ll get two new social interactions found under the Friendly -> Affection pie menu, which are:

  • Show Teeth
  • Rub Belly

The Show Teeth interaction is available between Werewolves and Vampires, simply among themselves or between normal sims.

As for the Rub Belly, it’s only available when a relationship level has reached at least 50 points.

19. Moonwood Mill Map Replacement by 20th Century Plumbob

nighttime view moonwood mill map

Use this mod to replace your cartoonish Moonwood Mill map with one that looks more realistic with additional environmental details.

The mod’s page also includes a link to the daytime version of the map.

19. Werewolf Job Mod for Sims 4 by Mima Cobaltini

werewolves preparing to attack

You’ll need the Sims 4: Outdoor Retreat game pack installed for this mod to work.

Using this werewolf mod, you can put your Lycans to work.

The sims will have a rabbit hole-style job for the Lycanthropic Community.

They can specialize into three job branches: Battle MasterRitual Master, or Howling Master.

This mod works for sim werewolves aged Teen+.

20. Werewolf Slider Mod by VecD0e

collage different length muzzle

This sims 4 werewolf mod allows you to customize your werewolves even more.

Using this werewolf slider, you can extend the muzzle and the depth of its mouth corner.

There are two mod versions, the basic and the 2X, but only use one at a time.

21. Plasma Fruit Buff Mod for Werewolves by Awwoo

sim and werewolf eating plasma fruit

These Sims 4 werewolf mods remove the negative buffs your sims get when consuming a bit of plasma.

There are many versions of this mod that limit who gets a free pass at the negative buff.

The choice varies with different combos between WerewolvesWerekids, and Vampkids.

Make sure you pick and install only one file.

22. Less Furious Werewolves by llazyneiph

black werewolf with glowing red eyes

If you find that furious werewolves are an issue, these mods will tweak their fury meter to build it up slowly.

There are two versions available:

  • Full Moon Fury Rate Halved
  • Fury Rate Doubled

In the first mod, the Fury Meter of your sim wolves will fill halfway rather than completely during full moons.

As for the second mod, it will require twice as much time as usual for the Fury Meter to fill up.

You can install one or both mods at the same time.

23. Werewolf Holiday Traditions by DerekSimsYT

werewolves with holiday icons

This mod requires the Sims 4: Season expansion pack.

If your sims are living their best werewolf life, why not have their own holiday traditions?

These sims 4 werewolf mods will add custom traditions so that your Lycan sims can celebrate their holidays doing their own thing.

Some of the activities you can add to your holidays are:

  • Bite a Sim
  • Hunt
  • Rampage
  • Transform 
  • And many more

24. Werewolf Pose Pack by Katverse

collage werewolf poses with full moon

This set of solo werewolf poses can be used for both in-game and CAS (it replaces the Loner trait).

There are five poses: three standing and two crouching.

25. The Sims 4 Mooncasters Mod by Justneilio

werewolf with magical wand

Make sure to install the Sims 4: Realm of Magic game pack before using the mod.

With this mod, you can turn your Spellcasters into Mooncasters, which are werewolves that cast spells.

This mod has many details, so I highly recommend reading through the download page.

The mod is a lot of fun because it brings a fresh new angle to werewolf gameplay.

26. No Fated Mates Werewolf Mod by GhostWitch

crossed-off fate and fate defied signs

In the Sims 4 Werewolf GP, the game is made so that your sims will have one fated mate throughout their lifetime.

Your sims’ destined love interest is generated randomly, so you don’t get to choose the sims they want to be with.

This mod removes that feature, so your Lycan sim is not limited to that one sim and can freely decide for themselves.

27. Temperaments Affect Needs Mod by Awwoo

female sim holding stick at night

These sims 4 werewolf mods bring some realism to your sim werewolf temperaments.

The needs that are associated with a temperament will also be affected.

For example, if your sims have the Hungry like the Wolf temperament, their Hunger needs will decrease faster.

However, when your sims have a Mark temperament, like the Mark Of The Night, their Energy decay will slow down by 75%.

28. Eye Shine Remover for Werewolf by Helgatisha

before after werewolf eye mod

When looking at werewolf default eyes, they usually shine as if a light source is gleaming into them.

You’ll notice this when looking at the pupils.

By removing the shine, this mod gives the werewolf eyes a darker look for more vibrant colors.

29. Werewolves Toggle Mod by TwistedMexi

sim werewolf looking back

This sims 4 werewolf mod allows your wolfy sims to switch between forms by typing a simple command line.

All you need to do is go to the cheat console, pressing the [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C] keys, and type:


To revert back, you only need to retype the command line.

30. Create Raw Meat from Animals by Screaming Potato

werewolf holding a piece of meat

This mod allows your sim werewolves to create their own meat through an interaction in the pie menu.

It’s as simple as clicking on an animal and choosing the Create Meat option from the pie menu.

The option is available for these animals:

  • Chickens
  • Cows
  • Goats
  • Llamas
  • Sheeps

31. Werewolf Vs. Human Poses by Natalia-Auditore

collage werewolf attacking human

This sims 4 werewolf pose pack creates a battle to the death between your sims human and werewolf.

There are five different battle poses to try out and create epic snapshots.

32. Werewolf Walkstyle Override Mod by SpinningPlumbobs

werewolves standing and crouching

Give your Sims 4 werewolves the walk they deserve using this mod.

Your werewolves will now have a hunch in their stance and run on all flours once they hit beast mode.

A quick note that this mod is incompatible with this other werewolf mod by SpinningPlumbob listed at #12.

Sims 4 Werewolf Mods Recap

We hope you’ve enjoyed going through this list and nabbed a few mods for your creatures of the night.

With these sims 4 werewolf mods, you can change your Lycan sims’ features to make them look more like werewolves.

Also, mods that tweak your sims’ fury meters give you more control over your sims.

Whichever mod you’ve picked up, it’ll add more fun to your gameplay while unlocking the pack’s potential.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us on Tumblr.

And don’t forget to share and save this pin for later!

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