19+ Sims 4 Build Challenges: Fun Themed Builds To Try
Tackle these sims 4 build challenges for new innovative ways to play.
When you’re looking for something new to do in your favorite game, other players have created fun challenges for you to enjoy.
There are different types of challenges you can try and accomplish; some affect your sims way of life, while others affect how you build houses.
These sims 4 build challenges create fresh and challenging ways of building homes.
And if you want to keep things exciting and fun, you should give them a shot!

Creative Sims 4 Build Challenges
While the origins of some of these build challenges are unknown, we’ve done our best to credit the creators and simmers involved.
We’ve put together this list of sims 4 build challenges that’ll put you to the test in so many fun ways.
Whether it’s a time restriction, a budget, or a set of rules based on chance, will you be up for the challenge?
Let’s find out.
1. The Horrific Build Challenge by Plumbella

If you’re looking for really tough sims 4 build challenges, Plumbella has raised the bar on the difficulty level.
Using a randomizer tool, you’ll be given a set of rules and goals for your builds.
There are a couple of generator tools that you can use to establish the ground rules for this challenge.
The first one is the creator’s own tool linked in the button below.
The tool determines the type of house to build, its color theme, its budget, the number of sims it’ll house, and many other details.
To make things interesting, it will also provide you with a disadvantage.
Disadvantages can be as simple as building on the smallest lot, a build time limit, no cheats allowed, etc.
The second tool is another Random Build Generator by Simsation, in which you can set specific parameters, such as:
- Expansion packs used
- Budget limitation
- Sims inside the household
- Number of special items or rooms to be used inside your build
Press the die button and see the outcome of your challenge.
2. Ugly House Challenge by Sims-Online

When building houses, people often want to be the envy of the neighborhood, but in this case, it’ll be the total opposite.
This sims 4 build challenge will make you build the eye-sore of the neighborhood.
The rules for this ugly build are pretty straightforward;
Your house exterior is the main event of this build, so there are no rules for the inside.
The house’s exterior walls will need to be painted in ten different colors.
As for the landscape, it will need to have gloomy-looking plants and trees.
The house shell must be made from irregular shapes and sizes instead of the typical, symmetrical, squared-shaped home.
There are no funds restrictions for this build challenge, so let your imagination run wild on this fiasco called a house.
3. 10K Starter Home Challenge by Sims-Online

The objective for this sims 4 build challenge is no surprise; you need to build a house with only 10,000 simoleons in your sim’s pocket.
There is a list of minimum requirements to include in your build that you will need to budget for.
The house must have at least one bedroom and cannot be part of the central area.
You can use any items from EA’s official packs but can’t use any custom content.
4. One Color Challenge by GoldenSimmer

This sims 4 build challenge is also known as the Solid Color challenge.
In this build, you pick only one color and run with it.
So, every wall, door, furniture, decoration, appliance, and even the kitchen sink must be of that color, if possible.
The same applies to the exterior for the sidings, roof, trims, and paint.
You don’t need to worry about rocks, trees, or terrain paint, but everything else has to be the selected color.
Some objects can have multiple colors, but your target color has to be the main event.
To make things harder, instead of picking the color, you can have it assigned to you using any Random Color Picker found online.
5. Different Color Room Challenge by Simsation Nation

For other color-coordinated sims 4 build challenges, this next one is as daunting as the last.
This time, you get assigned a different color for each room instead of sticking to a single one.
The creator provides a color generator that associates every room with a random color.
Since it’s generated randomly, some colors may get picked more than once.
Although it’s not mentioned if it’s limited only to walls, we can safely assume it’s not.
6. Sims 4 Dollhouse Challenge by Sims-Online

The dollhouse challenge is a fun, simple, and original way of building houses.
The idea is to build a lifesize dollhouse for your sims family.
For this build, there are some ground rules to follow:
- The facade needs to look like an ordinary house, with windows, a door, landscaping, etc
- It needs to be at least two stories high
- The house’s deepness needs to be between five and seven tiles deep
- Your sims can access all rooms through doors or stairs
- All doors are placed on the sides of the rooms, except for the main front door
- The back side should have no walls so that we see everything
You can’t have any room that’s closed off, and hallways are useless with this concept.
There are no restrictions on the interior decorations, but you could take an extra step and pick furniture pieces you’d typically find in a dollhouse.
7. 10-Minute Build Challenge by YTSparkles

Are you looking for difficult sims 4 build challenges? This 10-minute build challenge is tough to pull off.
You set the timer for 10 minutes, and you have to build a house with, at minimum, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom.
For obvious reasons, you can’t buy prebuilt rooms, and each room has to be somewhat furnished.
Also, if this challenge is too difficult, you can try the 20-minute build challenge.
How much can you get done before the timer runs out?
8. Micro House Build Challenge by Sims-Online

If you’re a Sims 4 Tiny Living Stuff Pack fan, you’ll love this challenge.
You’ll need to build the tiniest of homes for your sims household.
Here are the rules for this build:
- Place your build on 25 tiles, using the 5 x 5 tiles
- You can have as many stories as you want, sticking to 25 tiles/floor
- Your budget is capped at 18,000 simoleons
- The lot size used must be 20 x 15
- The landscaping should not exceed 75 tiles
- Stairs can be placed inside or out, which saves you space
- All indoor furniture and items need to remain indoors except the dining area, which can be placed outside
- Can’t use custom content
It’s a challenging build, but there are ways to make the most out of it and make it work.
Overall, it’s a fun sims 4 build challenge to tackle.
9. Spinning Wheel Build Challenge by Lilsimsie

One of the most fun sims 4 build challenges has to be the Spinning Wheel challenge.
For this challenge, your build will be determined randomly.
LilSimsie has provided a rule sheet that includes several categories with a set number of choices.
So, you’ll need a number generator (I found a number wheel picker to stick with the theme) and set the range of numbers for each category.
Going through each one will determine the main components of this build, like the:
- Budget
- Lot size
- Build style
- World to build in
- Size of your sims’ household
- And many more
If luck is on your side, this build challenge can be easy, or it can be tricky if chance isn’t your friend.
The best part of doing this challenge is that since it’s random, it varies each time you do it.
10. Flipping Houses Challenge by Purple Plumbob

This sims 4 build challenge is about flipping houses for profits and how much your sims can make throughout their lifetime.
To get started, start a new game with only one young adult sim.
With a budget of 20,000 simoleons, pick an empty 20 x 15 lot and choose a house by searching in the Gallery screen by typing #Flipper.
Like any challenge, there are a few guidelines to follow:
- No cheats or mods
- You can use prebuilt rooms and build cc
- You cannot prevent your sims from aging or save them from an untimely death
- Everything added must be paid in full by your sims, provided they have sufficient funds
- Flipping a house has to last at most 5 days; your sims move out on day 6
- Your main sim is the only one permitted to work and bring in a salary
There are many more constraints to follow, such as restrictions concerning your sim’s life partner, children, and other rules.
You’ll need to keep track of your score through a spreadsheet listing all your houses and how much you paid and sold them for.
This build challenge for sims 4 can be tricky at the beginning and making a profit, but it’s a lot of fun.
Make sure to read more about the rules at the link below.
11. Tiniest Shell Challenge by Lilsimsie

When it comes to shell challenges, the difficulty involves grabbing a prebuilt shell and turning it into a home.
A prebuilt shell is basically just an empty building with no doors, windows, or decorations inside and out.
You can find these houses in the Gallery screen by searching for Shell.
The goal of this particular challenge is to build the tiniest home while the shell of the building remains the same.
So, the only rule is that you cannot add or remove any exterior walls.
12. Broken Shell Challenge by
SydMac Streams

If you liked the previous Shell Challenge, this one has a similar concept with a fun twist.
Instead of working with one shell, you get multiple spread out on the lot and join them together to make an even bigger shell.
You could stack them on top of each other for a multi-story house or make a larger one-story home.
Like the Shell Challenge, you’ll find these builds in the Gallery screen.
Look up Broken Shell; there are a few you can pick out.
The rules remain the same; you cannot delete any existing walls, which include any interior ones where the rooms are joined together.
There are so many fun and creative ways to assemble the pieces that you won’t be bored redoing the same challenge again.
13. Container House Build Challenge by Sims-Online

If you’re pro-eco-friendly solutions to repurpose items and give them a new life, you’ll like the concept behind this challenge.
You’ll need to build a house out of “shipping containers” with a limitless budget.
The tricky part is that rules state that you must keep the outside looking like a plain old container.
You can, however, partition and decorate the inside any way you want.
Some simmers posted their houses, adding windows, doors, and greenery, so the exterior look is altered to some extent.
You can stack more than one container, but they have to be the same size, which is 12 x 4 squares.
Since there are no shipping container items, you’ll need to build your own using vertical patterned walls.
14. Original Swatch Home Build Challenge by Vilily68

When picking objects from the game’s Build & Buy catalog, you can usually change color swatches to match your theme and design.
With this sims 4 building challenge, you cannot pick any color swatch other than the default one.
So, when building your house and going through the catalog, what you see is what you get.
It’s a simple and fun challenge, but it can sometimes be hard if you want your home to look nice and you can’t pick the color you want.
But that’s all part of the challenge.
15. Budget Per Room Challenge by CarynandConnieGaming

Another fun concept of sims 4 build challenges is this one where every room has its budget.
You start by building the house and dividing it any way you like, but for the concept to work, each room needs to be separated by a wall.
So, you can’t have an open room concept because how else would you know how to manage, let’s say, your living room’s budget?
Once everything is set up, you pick your first room and use an online number generator to determine the budget.
If you set the budget between 1 and 10,000 simoleons, cross your fingers and hope to get a high number for each room.
The hardest part of this challenge is working with a small budget for one of the main rooms.
For a closer look, you can check out CarynandConnieGaming video.
16. Reverse House Build Challenge by JessPlays

This challenge is one of the hardest sims 4 build challenges, as it requires a lot of planning and imagination.
So what’s the challenge? You need to build a 3-bedroom and 2-story house in reverse!!!!
Usually, when building houses, simmers start from the bottom and work their way up to the roof.
Since we’re doing things in reverse, we’re going the other way and starting with the roof.
You can’t build a roof in midair, so to pull this off, you would need to put temporary blocks to mimic your house levels.
When the roof is in place, delete the blocks underneath and continue building the second story, then the first one.
Once you finish a level, you can’t go back and modify it.
When the house is finished, that’s when you can decorate and put in the windows and doors.
17. Double Room Size Challenge by CarynandConnieGaming

In this building challenge, you build a one square room, then double the size of the next one.
You’ll have rooms with these tile sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.
The rooms don’t have to be square, as long as you respect the dimensions.
Ideally, you’ll have a plan in mind for your house layout, and you’ll need to finish decorating each room before proceeding to the next.
The first rooms may be challenging due to their miniature sizes, but eventually, they’ll become more decent size-wise.
18. Every Room Is a Different Pack by Simsation Nation

If you own multiple packs of the game, this sims 4 build challenge will put them to good use.
Using a tool the creator has made, you select every expansion, game, and stuff pack you own and then generate the results.
It will assign a pack to each room of your sims 4 house, and you can only decorate these rooms using items found in those specific packs.
The concept is great, and it can be quite challenging if you own plenty of expansion packs.
19. Random Size Build Challenge by Lilsimsie

The concept behind this challenge is to build a house one room at a time, where each room’s dimensions are generated randomly.
We first need an empty lot to build a house on, and with that done, we can start building.
We’ll need a number generator to know the room’s dimensions; you’ll want to set the number range between 1 and 8.
Next, you generate numbers twice to set the width and depth of the room.
After creating the room with the generated dimensions, you’ll need to decide what room it will be inside your home and then place it.
You’ll need to fully decorate the room before moving on to the next one.
Generate two more random numbers and repeat the process until all your rooms are covered.
This sims 4 build challenge can be lots of fun if the generator works in your favor and doesn’t give you too many 1s.
For more details, check out this video by LilSimsie.
20. Newcrest Build Challenge by Lizziejaine21

There are a few Newcrest build challenges on the web, including a Legacy challenge.
This particular version is more straightforward and just as fun.
It consists of building on all 15 Newcrest lots, each with its own rules.
For example, on lot #10, you’ll need to build a tropical-themed house, and on lot #11, a multi-storied gym with a pool.
There are few rules in this sims 4 build challenge, but more of a guideline for each build so you can enjoy and have fun.
Sims 4 Build Challenges Recap
There are plenty of creative sims 4 build challenges that players come out with, and we hope you’ve found a few worthy of the name.
The best thing about these build challenges is that they’re mostly all base game-friendly.
From building on a budget to having a limited selection of swatches or items, there are so many different ways to play and enjoy.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us on Tumblr.
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