19+ Sims 4 Script Mods: Shortcuts, Interactions & More
Bring new features to the sims 4 game with script mods.
When playing the game, the overall experience feels almost complete, especially when adding new packs and mods.
The game’s mechanics and system are user-friendly, offer diversity, and allow you to control pretty much everything.
Since the game’s launch, creators have devised new ways to improve it, adding new features and changing some of its mechanics.
These script mods are the best ways to keep things fresh by adding something new to the table.

Practical Sims 4 Script Mods
This list offers many new functionalities and helpful tweaks to make things more efficient and less time-consuming.
The following mods were tested and functional as of April 15th, 2024.
Many of these mods will require the XML injector script, which is linked on the individual mod’s download page.
1. Always CAS Full Edit Mode by TwistedMexi

When you go to CAS mode, after the initial time, you can only change your clothing options.
To change anything more about your sims, you needed to type in the command cas.fulleditmode in the cheat console.
With this script mod, the command will always be active, so you won’t need to type it every time you load your game.
You need to Shift+Click your sims and select Modify in CAS to have full access and change your sims as you please.
2. Easel Art Catalog Pie Menu by Peco28

This script mod adds a new interaction to the Easel item.
Now, you can choose the next in-game painting that your artsy sim will paint by picking it from the Paint from Catalog pie menu.
So now, you have control over what your sims create without wasting time on the same old paintings.
3. Preferences Plus Script Mod by Helaene

This script mod adds a bunch of new preferences to your sims’ Likes and Dislikes system.
Now, your sims can react to more elements, like hobbies, interests, food types, flavors, etc.
You can select these new preferences from the CAS screen, but are still limited to 50.
To make sure this mod works correctly, you must add the creator’s required mods linked on the download page.
4. Mod Malware Protection v1.5 by TwistedMexi

In recent events, some viruses have found their way into the game.
This mod acts like an antivirus by scanning installed mods and alerting us of compromised mods.
If your game is infected, you can find out which mod is the culprit so that you can remove it afterward.
5. Skip CAS Stories Mod by MizoreYukii

When starting a new game, while in CAS, you get prompted to create your sims’ story by asking several questions that will help define your sims.
With this mod, you will no longer be asked to do so; instead, you will be transferred straight to the editor.
The mod is super helpful when wanting to create a new sim quickly.
Since we do a lot of testing for this website, this mod is a go-to for us.
6. Exchange Store Script Mod by Vicky Sims

If you have a lot of satisfaction points and wonder what to do with them, this mod allows you to exchange them for other in-game points.
In the reward store, you’ll find 10 new rewards that you can exchange your SP for, which are:
- Money
- Vet points
- Retail points
- Fame points
- Vampire points
- Bits and pieces
- Influence points
- Werewolf points
- Spellcaster points
- Restaurant points
If you purchase points without owning the respective pack, it will not do anything; you will waste your points.
7. Expandable BuildBuy Catalog by TwistedMexi

This mod tweaks the way the BuildBuy catalog is displayed by showing more rows at a time instead of the standard two.
To activate the new feature, when you open the BuildBuy screen, press the [~] key on your keyboard to toggle on or off.
This mod won’t work when browsing prebuilt rooms with larger icons.
When I’m looking for an item, having more rows to look at is more helpful than going two at a time.
8. Always Testing Script Mod by TwistedMexi

When you load your game and want to use a cheat command, you must go to the cheat console and type in testingcheats true.
This script mod forces testingcheats true on, so you can open the cheat console and type whichever command you want.
9. Sims 4 Brawling Mod by UTOPYA_cc

This script mod adds some fighting interactions to the game.
Through the Mean pie menu, you’ll find three new interactions under the Brawling category, which are:
- Face slap
- Groin kick
- Face punch
Each interaction has its own animation, and using them will grant your sims one of 30+ buffs.
10. Say Thank You Interactions by MizoreYukii

When your sims are given a gift, there’s no proper way to say Thank you to the other sims.
With this script mod, you can now choose one of two interactions:
- Say thank you
- Say thank you in bed
The regular thank you is under the Friendly > Small Talk pie menu.
The thank you in bed is under the Romantic > Physical Intimacy pie menu.
11. Less Intrusive Sims Mod by TurboDriver

This script modifies how sims behave so that they are less pushy and will act more realistically in certain social situations.
One of the changes is that strangers will no longer interrupt conversations without being invited to it.
Another change is that sims that don’t know each other well won’t ask to hang out or date.
Plus, if your sims just met someone, they won’t be asked to be best friends or boyfriend/girlfriend.
This mod better reflects how people behave in real life, as it should be.
12. Full House Script Mod by TwistedMexi

This mod allows you to add more than eight sims to your household.
All you need to do is open the cheat console and type tm.fullhouse [first-name][lastname] for the sim you want to add.
So, if your sims socialize with the same people and you want them as roommates, now you can.
13. Immersive Social Bunny by Plumlace

This mod requires the Sims 4: High School Years expansion pack.
This mod adds new features to your sim’s phone’s Social Bunny media app.
Now, you can generate a random post that your sims can share based on age group.
Occult sims like vampires or spellcasters can now post content on their social media.
The script mod adds a ton of new posts that sims will share, as well as more tag options.
Plus, in some scenarios, sims will get more responses from others, like some support after posting a sad post.
14. Drama Script Mod by MizoreYukii

This mod adds new interactions between sims, some based on their current relationship level with the other sim.
These interactions add some drama and also give moodlets to your sims.
Here are some of the 13 new interaction options:
- Petty jab
- Boldly flirt
- Insult hygiene
- Choose violence
- Get off property
- Accuse of cheating
- Argue about relationship
- And many more
15. Live Drag Move Objects Mod by TwistedMexi

This simple script mod allows you to move objects around in Live mode.
Before, you needed to go into Build mode to move stuff around, but now the mod saves you the hassle of going between modes.
16. Sims 4 Passionate Gifts by UTOPYA_cc

This mod overrides the in-game animations.
When your sims give a gift to a love interest, they’ll respond with an more intimate thanks; a passionate kiss.
To trigger the effects of this mod, you’ll need to purchase and give one of five gift options, which are:
- Silver bracelet
- Heart necklace
- Fancy wrist watch
- Love letter bouquet
- Flower and chocolates
For this mod to work, the two involved sims must have had their first kiss and have a romantic level up to at least 20%.
17. More Holiday Traditions by MSQSIMS

This mod needs the Sims 4: Seasons expansion pack to be installed.
This mod adds 49 new traditions you can use during your sims’ holidays.
So, when you are creating your next holiday, your sims can now do one of the following activities:
- Go bowling
- Bake a cake
- Do push-ups
- Collect insect
- Play with toys
- Make a friend
- Craft pumpkin
- Cook fast food
- Play basketball
- And much more
18. Sims 4 Always FreeBuild Script by TwistedMexi

Another of these useful script mods is this one that always leaves you in FreeBuild mode.
Before the mod, you needed to open the cheat console and type in bb.enablefreebuild.
Now, with this script, the mode is already enabled, so you can build anywhere without typing the cheat command.
19. Who Is Knocking Mod by TurboDriver

This simple mod generates a notification every time someone knocks at your door.
With the notification, you won’t miss a visit from a neighbor, friend, family, etc.
But you won’t get a notification when you expect a sim to come by, like from a delivery service or hired help.
20. Better Sleep Autonomy Mod by Mokunoid

Enforce a stricter sleep schedule into your Sims lives with this sleeping script mod.
There are 5 modules available which can be mixed and matched.
Your Sim’s traits, moods, and life skills will also affect their sleeping autonomy.
21. Age Regression Mod by Jellypawss

With this fully sfw age regression mod, you get a fully revamped version of the “little space” mod.
This mod has new social interaction with buffs, custom buffs/moodlets.
Some current interactions include;
- Ask for stuffie
- Ask to color together
- Make animal sounds together
Sims 4 Script Mods: Final Thoughts
Going through this list, we hope you’ve found a few script mods to add to your mods folder.
Some scripts remove repetitive tasks, such as typing testingcheat or fulleditmode for CAS, which can sometimes be annoying.
Different scripts change how sims interact with others, such as showing signs of gratitude and other social conduct, adding more realism to the game.
These mods are a must-have for any simmer who wants to expand their gaming experience.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us on Tumblr.
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