43+ Sims 4 Couple Poses for Your Sims Next Date Night!

Capture your favorite sims couples in their most tender moments!

We’ve listed some of the best Sims 4 couples poses for you to try out.

sims 4 couple poses collage

One of the most enjoyable parts of playing TS4 is creating unique sims and building relationships.

I don’t know about you, but I love taking screenshots of my favorite sim couples throughout the different moments of their lives.

But you need some amazing sims 4 couples poses to get those stunning snapshots.

Let’s check out some great couple pose packs you can grab today!

Sims 4 Couple Poses

The vast majority of the couple poses in this collection are in-game poses.

To use these in-game pose packs, you will need to have the following two mods installed:

You can learn more about these two mods in our How To Use Poses article.

1. Hold Me Closer Sims 4 Couple Poses by Ratboysims

female sims couple being close to each other

This lovely set of five poses was intended for a lesbian couple of different heights.

These poses should work for different frames too, but they may not be as perfect, alignment-wise.

All in all, it’s a very cute set of couple poses.

The creator made them look very casual and natural. You can definitely feel the love in this first pose.

2. Sims 4 Special Day Romantic Poses by Beto_ae0

sim couple enjoying tropics

Enjoy the perfect date with your sims with these fun and flirty sims 4 couple poses.

Whether enjoying a romantic picnic or a stroll after dinner, these realistic couple poses capture your sims fun-loving time together.

3. Sims 4 Embrace Couple Poses by Katverse

sim couple embracing on bridge

This set is one of the more romantic sets of Sims 4 couple poses, especially if you use the same scenery as the creator in the picture above.

This set mainly focuses on different loving embraces between your sims couple.

4. Sims 4 Movie Night Poses by Couquett

sim couple enjoying snacks while watching movie

This pose set is a fun one. It features five sims couple poses with a movie night as the theme.

As the name says, the Friends Movie Night pose pack was intended for friends, but who said couples don’t enjoy movie nights too?

You’ll need to get and install the various snacks displayed in the picture.

The snack files are conveniently available using the following link.

5. Sims 4 Honey Couple Poses by Ratboysims

two sim women about to kiss

This set is a small pack of three poses with cuddling in mind.

These tender-loving couple poses have been tested on most frames.

However, the creator has noted that some “floaty” hands might appear with skinnier sims.

6. Sims 4 Sweet Dreams Couple Poses by Beto_ae0

sim couple sleeping on bed

This set is a funny pose pack where your sim couple sleeps in bed.

After some tossing and turning, one of your sims falls to the ground while their partner continues to snooze away comfortably.

I love this set as it represents the reality of many couples.

They also make great pictures, so be sure to grab this set for your collection.

7. Sims 4 Pillow Fight Couple Poses by Katverse

sim couple pillow fighting

Who doesn’t love a pillow fight?

Pillow fights are a great way to be spontaneous and silly, especially when you feel playful with a partner.

In the Pillow Fight Pose Pack, you get precisely what the name implies, four poses of pillow fight madness.

Be sure to grab the pillow item from the linked page; it’s an essential piece of the puzzle.

8. Sims 4 Sweet Couple Pose by Loulicorn

sim couple embracing

This lovely couple photo setting makes an excellent Sims 4 gallery pose and helps feature your loving couple to the TS4 community.

To make it work, in your CAS screen, your sims should be in the order of male, then female.

The alignment will be wrong without following this order, and the pose will not work.

9. Sims 4 Out of Hand Couple Poses by SSIAT

sim couple holding each other while falling

This terrific set of eight poses offers various ways to show how much one sim loves the other.

This set includes both standing and sitting poses.

For the seated ones, they will require a chair.

Two poses in this pack are my favorites, as they stand out from the rest.

In one of these poses, the girl seems to be floating in the air like an angel coming to greet her love.

In the last pose, you see the couple free-falling, grabbing each other’s hands.

I feel the message behind this pose is something like; I got you, no matter what.

10. Sims 4 Fun Picnic Couple Poses by Beto_ae0

sims couple enjoying picnic

The set is a funny five-picture story about two sims and a burger.

It’s about a hungry sim trying to get their hands on their partner’s yummy burger.

While they aren’t giving in and playing hard to get.

I love this set because it makes the couple look adorable and playful.

11. Dreamy Couple Poses for Sims 4 by Katverse

sim couple enjoying prairies

What I take from these pictures is that living life in the prairies seems mesmerizing.

This set of five poses will make you feel like you’re in a dream.

This collection will offer a mix of love poses, such as embracing, cuddling, and dancing.

All you need is the perfect scenery and perhaps thematic outfits, and you have the ideal dream sequence.

You can use these sims 4 couple poses differently, but I find that this way makes it dreamy.

12. Sims 4 Love & Clovers Couple Poses by Starrysimsie

sim couple laying on bed of clovers

Are you looking for a set of poses where a couple is simply chilling on the ground? No? You should.

With this pose pack, you get a nice day out with your sims, enjoying each other’s company.

What you get with this set of seven shots is two lovers holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes—such a romantic time.

Related Post: Sims 4 Dating App Mods [SimDa & More]

13. Sims 4 Skate Couple Poses by Ratboysims

sim couple smiling

This set is adorable, where the boyfriend shows his partner how to skateboard.

The mod file has five different couple poses for the “learning” process.

This activity is a fun bonding moment between the Sims 4 couple.

The fact that the boyfriend is holding and protecting her is sweet and caring.

14. Sims 4 Pre-Wedding Couple Poses by Couquett

sim couple wedding poses

Are those wedding bells I hear? Probably not. But, this pose pack is perfect for highlighting that special day between your sims.

This set includes six fantastic photo opportunities.

From standing couple poses to capturing the first dance on camera.

There is no better way of expressing one’s love than through marriage.

Speaking of, this would make a great wedding couple pose pack.

15. Close to Me Sims 4 Couple Poses by Katverse

simple couple posing at sunset

You can see the closeness of your sims in this set of five poses.

The Close to Me Pose Pack fits its name perfectly as it demonstrates just that.

The creator recommends using the CAS Leg Height Slider mod for these couple poses.

I highly recommend that you do so because they used different height sims. Otherwise, the pictures will not look good.

You can find the mod link included on the pose page right below.

16. Sims 4 Cute Couple Pose Pack by Beto_ae0

five sim couples holding each other

This set of five poses features various ways for a couple to hold each other.

The holding positions include: over the shoulder, around the waist, holding arm to arm, or even piggybacking.

The way that these pictures came out, they seem very endearing and natural.

17. Summer Lovin’ Couple Poses for Sims 4 by SimplyAnjuta

closeup sim couple with women over guy shoulder

This gallery pose, called Summer lovin’, makes a great picture of your couple.

This pose makes a simple yet pretty picture where the girl embraces the guy from behind.

This sims 4 couple pose would make any couple look warm and adorable.

18. Sims 4 Bloody Lover Couple Poses by Ratboysims

sim woman trying to bite neck of other sim woman

Any vampire lovers out there?

If so, then this spicy pose pack is for you.

This set offers five vampire-inspired seductive poses for your couple.

You can pose so that one sim is being bewitched by the other.

Love can sometimes be charming, almost magical.

But, in this case, mind that neck.

19. Sims 4 Engagement Poses by Loulicorn

couple in white suit and dress posing

Symbolize your couple’s engagement with this lovely set of three gallery poses for your Sims 4 game.

The Fiancés pose pack is a formal and elegant way to show off the soon-to-be-married couple to the TS4 community.

Show the world how cute your couple is compared to the rest with these poses. We might as well show off that rock while we’re at it.

20. Sims 4 Spring Fever Couple Poses by Cassandra X Starry

sim girlfriend piggybacking sims boyfriend

Springtime is here.

Time to head out and enjoy the warmer weather with that special someone.

This collection offers ten poses for your couple, from sitting to standing.

It covers everything from messing around on the ground to piggybacking.

It’s all about spending time with your loved one and enjoying the moment.

These pics are a must if you wish to capture these fun moments.

21. Couple Selfie Poses for Sims 4 by SSIAT

sim couple taking selfies

I think that these nine poses accurately represent today’s society. Cellphones.

The Everything’s Gonna be Alright pose pack is about people taking selfies with their loved ones.

I find these poses make great realistic screenshots.

You would need a cellphone for these poses.

You can find an iPhone linked on some of Mel Bennett’s mod pages, notably the pose set listed at #6 and the next one.

22. Sims 4 Couple Model Poses by Beto_ae0

sims couple model posing

This pose pack is quite different from the other Sims 4 couple poses found in this list.

Your sims couple has signed up for a stunning photography shoot to capture some fierce photos in this set of 5 poses.

Make sure you check out the other pictures on the linked page. They’re awesome.

23. Sims 4 Romantic Poses by Katverse

affectionate sim couple enjoying outdoors

This endearing pose pack offers five picture options.

All of them are as adorable as the next one.

I got this pack for that last pose at the bottom right. It is so hot.

It’s an overall great find. Be sure to try it out.

24. Sims 4 Couple Poses on Swing by Ratboysims

sim couple kissing by the swing

This collection includes five Sims 4 couple poses in which your sims enjoy a swing set.

There is a lot happening around the swing set without actually using it if you know what I mean.

The swing set is only available through The Sims 4: Seasons or The Sims 4: Island Living expansion packs.

25. Ballet Dancers Couple Poses by MellouwSim

two sims doing ballet

If your sim couple are dancers, artists, or just want to take artsy pictures, you can use these ballet poses.

This set includes three couple poses you can use to show off your couple in majestic ways.

26. Sims 4 Couple Kisses Posepack by Kit-Cat-Sims

collage sims couple kissing

Are you looking to make cute pictures of your sims hugging?

This set of six couple poses will deliver on the cuteness.

In this sims 4 couple pose pack, your sims will be shown:

  • Hugging
  • Kissing with arms around the neck
  • Kissing with arms in front of the other sim
  • Holding the other sim in the air while kissing

These poses were intended to be used with male and female sims, so there may be some clipping or alignment issues when sims are the same gender.

27. Sims 4 Couple Poses with Wheelchair by KatVerse

collage sim couple with wheelchair

This sims 4 couple poses set features five poses, with one sim sitting and the other standing or kneeling.

These poses are intended to be used with a sim in a wheelchair, but they work with certain chairs too.

The Wheelchair CC item is included on the creator’s page.

28. Engaged Couple Pose Mod by ParisSimmer

sim with fiance showing engagement ring

Show off your newly engaged sims with this couple pose.

Your sims will flash the engagement ring while casually enjoying a delicious refreshment.

To recreate the pose, you’ll need the Coffee Cup CC that’s included on the pose’s page.

29. Poses for Sims 4 Couples by TalentedTrait

collage two sims lying in bed

These poses make adorable pictures of your sims lying on a bed.

Six poses show your sims sharing tender moments in each other’s company.

For these sims 4 couple poses to work, you’ll need to place two Teleporter objects in the middle of the bed.

Clipping issues may happen, depending on several factors, like clothes and beds, but the pictures still look amazing.

30. Sims 4 Couple Poses in an Elevator by StarrySimsie

two sims waiting for elevator

This fun pose pack tells the story of two strangers meeting in an elevator and falling for each other.

They show one sim initiating a conversation, and things heat up into a passionate round of kissing.

The Elevator Tension story is told with the help of eight sims 4 couple poses.

The creator has included the Grocery Bag item and, if you want to recreate the setting, the Elevator room as well.

31. My Lovely Dream Pose Set by Siimplysims

couple kissing while sitting in the stairs

These couple’s poses show one sim joining the other on the stairs and sharing a moment together.

You’ll see them from sitting and talking to kissing and being in each other’s loving embrace.

All you need to use these poses are stairs, and you can use your own set of stairs or those included in the pose set.

32. Sims 4 Couple Poses and a Guitar by RJSims

sim playing guitar by a fire

In these five adorable poses, you get to capture the romantic moments of your sim playing the guitar to their love.

You can use the poses in a park, at a camping site, or by a cozy fire; wherever the location, your sims will look cute together.

The Guitar accessory is included with these poses.

33. Valentine’s Day Couple Poses for Sims 4 by Simsulani

sim couple with red heart shaped balloon

Show the love for Valentine’s Day with these six poses for your sims 4 couple.

Your sims will be posing in each other’s arms, holding a heart-shaped red balloon included in the pack.

It’s the perfect way to capture their love and celebrate Cupid’s holiday.

34. Sims 4 Couple Pose Set for Gallery by SakuraLeon

snapshot photos of sims couples

This pack lets you take lovely photos of your sims couple in Gallery mode.

These three couple poses will show your couple posing in each other’s arms.

Place your sims in the correct order on the CAS screen for the pose to work properly.

Your female sim should be first, then followed by your male sim.

35. Movie Magic Sims 4 Couple Poses by SnarkyWitch

collage two sims at the movies

In these couple poses, your sims will be seen enjoying a movie night.

You will need custom content for some of the poses, like the Popcorn and Soft Drink CC.

There are two sets in this pack, each having ten poses.

One is made for sims using regular seats, and the other is for a regular seat and a wheelchair.

So, if you have a sim in a wheelchair, this pose pack is another great option for sims 4 couple poses.

All of the required CC items are included in this pack.

36. Surprise Picnic Pose Pack by StarrySimsie

two sims on a picnic blanket

This pose pack tells the story of a sim surprising a loved one with a cute picnic setting.

You’ll capture the reaction and gratitude towards the partner, followed by them enjoying their outdoor activity.

The whole story is told in seven heartwarming poses.

If you’re interested in the picnic lot, a link is included with these sims 4 couple poses page.

37. Christmas Romance Pose Pack by Katverse

collage sim couple during christmas

If you want to take cute pictures of your sim couple during the holiday season, this set is perfect for you.

This pack has five in-game poses of your two sims enjoying each other’s company during Christmas time.

For some poses, you’ll need certain cc items which are linked on the mod’s page.

38. Spring Kiss Couple Pose Pack by StarrySimsie

sim couple kissing on picnic blanket

For some candid shots of your sims couple, this set includes 10 poses of them enjoying time together while lying on the ground.

You’ll find your female sim is lying on the ground, and your male sim is casually sitting there as well.

As the poses progress, you’ll find your sims fooling around, leading to a cute kissing session.

39. All You Need Is Love Couple Poses by Scorpio-whims

collage sim couples posing in gallery mode

This pack contains 12 in-game poses for your sim couple.

In this set, you get cute ways for your sims to pose together, like piggybacking, embracing each other, or an adorable forehead-to-forehead pose.

Take note that you’ll need a Chair item for two of these poses.

40. Sweet As Sugar Sims 4 Couple Poses by Simmireen

two male sims in loving embrace

In this couple pose set, you get five poses of two sims in a loving embrace.

You can feel the love in these incredible shots.

I love how the two sims can make a big heart sign with their hands.

These poses are gender-neutral, meaning they can be used in any gender combination you choose.

However, due to sims having different shapes and sizes, there may be some clipping issues.

41. Date Night Couple Pose Pack for Sims 4 by Simsulani

collage sim couple enjoying a date night

This storytelling pose pack tells the tale of two sims going on a first date.

These six poses show the two sims taking a walk, talking, and making jokes.

After a moment of shyness, the two will lock eyes and seal the deal with a kiss.

42. Talking Against The Wall Pose Pack by StarrySimsie

two sims talking leaning against wall

Are you looking for some casual shots of your sim couple?

This storytelling pose pack will show your sims leaning against a wall and having a chit-chat.

Your sims will eventually hold hands and get closer, kissing in a heated embrace.

There are 10 poses in this set, which you can use when placed along a wall.

A wall is not mandatory for these poses, but your sims will look silly if there’s none.

43. Ride Away With Me Pose Pack for Couples by Scorpio-whims

two sims on a motorcycle

If you want to take cool pictures of your sims riding a motorcycle, this set is for you.

In this couple pose pack, you get six poses of your sims, which will appear around or on the bike.

Needless to say, you’ll need the Motorcycle Bike for these poses, which is linked on the pose’s page.

44. Shopping In The City Couple Poses by Simsulani

collage sims with shopping bags

Take fun pictures of two sims enjoying a shopping spree using this pose pack.

There are six poses total, which can be used with your sim couple or simply two sim friends or besties hanging out and having a blast.

For these poses, you’ll need the Shopping Bags item, which is included on the pack’s page.

Sims 4 Couple Poses: Final Thoughts

These Sims 4 couple poses are a great way to show off your sims’ love and closeness to one another in cute and romantic ways.

If you haven’t tried using any of these custom poses yet, I highly recommend giving them a try.

Also, if you come across any other couple poses for me to check out, feel free to send us a link in the comments below or tag us on Tumblr.

And don’t forget to share and save this pin for later!

sims 4 couple poses Pinterest pin

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