Sims 4 Satisfaction Points Cheat Code + Mods

Want to cheat your way into gaining quicker rewards and traits?

With the sims 4 satisfaction points cheat, you can earn hassle-free rewards within a few minutes!

vector of achievement and trophy

Everyone loves sims 4 satisfaction points, but acquiring them can be a little tedious, especially when you want to snag something new from the rewards store.

But not to worry, you can cheat your way into as many satisfaction points as you want with some quick tips and tricks.

What Are Satisfaction Points in Sims 4?

Satisfaction points are also referred to as reward points.

Your sims are awarded satisfaction points after completing specific in-game tasks, such as:

  • Whims
  • Aspirations
  • Scenarios
  • Holidays

Note: Completing holidays is only possible if you have the Sims 4: Holidays expansion pack.

After gaining enough reward points, you can exchange them at the Rewards Store for great prizes. More on that later.

Sims 4 Satisfaction Points Cheat

The following sims 4 satisfaction points cheat will help you earn unlimited reward points.

The cheat will instantly increase your total satisfaction points without you wasting any time and effort.

Using the sims 4 satisfaction points cheat is pretty straightforward.

You have two options: cheat through a simple command line or via mods.

Satisfaction Point Through Command Line

To use the sims 4 satisfaction cheat through a command line, you will first need to open up the Cheat Console.

There are different ways of doing this, depending on the machine you are using:

  • On your PC, to open the cheat box, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C] on your keyboard

  • Once the cheat console is opened, type testingcheats true or testingcheats on

  • Then press [Enter]
  • After enabling cheats, just type in the command line (or code)

  • All you need to do is replace the word [number] in the code below with the number of satisfaction points you wish to acquire

  • For the code, type sims.give_satifaction_points [number]

Your satisfaction points are now available to use!

Accessing the command line is a little different for consoles, but the cheat code stays the same.

To open the cheat box for PS4, you must press [X] + [O].

Alternatively, you can press the four shoulder buttons, on top of your controller, [R1] + [R2] + [L1] + [L2].

To open the cheat box on Xbox One, you must press [A] + [B].

Alternatively, you can press the four shoulder buttons, on top of your controller, [RT] + [RB] + [LT] + [LB].

Then press Confirm Button for consoles to enable cheats.

photos of game controllers to control sims 4 satisfaction points

Satisfaction Points Using Mods

Game mods exist for a reason, whether to bring something new to the table or act as a shortcut, to cut down on time, for tedious tasks.

Sadly, console players cannot use these mods, as they only work on a computer.

When thinking about cheating for sims 4 satisfaction points, two mods come to mind.

1. MC Command Center Mod

This helpful tool for acquiring reward points in sims 4 is a mod called MC Command Center, created by Deaderpool.

This mod opens up a ton of possibilities and can change many aspects of the game, like traits, careers, needs, and in this case, satisfaction points.

Note: Cheats on gaming consoles will prevent players from earning trophies or achievements.

FYI even if you turn cheats off, you won’t be able to gain these rewards again in your current household.

To gain reward points, follow these next steps:

  • Click on any of your sims
  • Choose the MC Command Center option from their menu
  • Pick MC Cheats from that new menu
  • Select Increase Points
  • Next, choose Add Satisfaction Points
  • A new window pops up. Type in the number of points you want to add
  • Confirm by selecting OK

screenshot on gaining sims 4 satisfaction points using MCCC

As you can see, with a few clicks of the mouse, type in the amount, then BOOM. Unlimited satisfaction points for your sims 4 gameplay!

Increasing your reward points is just a glimpse of what the MCCC mod can do for you and your sims.

This mod’s potential is why it’s on our list of must-have mods.

2. UI Cheats Extension for Sims 4

Another good option, as a sims 4 satisfaction points cheat, is using the UI Cheats Extension mod by creator Weerbesu.

This third-party mod allows you to complete achievements, raise skill levels, add funds, and many more, with a simple click of the mouse.

As for satisfaction points, although you cannot directly add or change your total, you can gain reward points indirectly.

By “indirectly”, I mean instantly completing tasks such as whims, aspirations, or holidays.

screenshot sim achieving aspiration using cheasts

Sure, it’s not as effective as the MCCC mod, but it still gets the job done. Way quicker than actually completing the tasks, the “normal” way.

Where this mod lacks in acquiring satisfaction points, it makes up for it in the rewards store.

Spending Satisfaction Points

Gaining all those reward points is good, but what to do with them?

For those who don’t already know, there’s a rewards store in the Aspiration tab. You can find it at the bottom left of the screen.

From there, you can purchase a lot of great items.

screenshot of sims 4 rewards store

You can buy potions that can impact your sims mood or needs, such as the Sleep Replacement Potion that’ll fill up your Energy needs bar.

You also have a great selection of new traits to improve some abilities, like the Never Weary, which costs a whopping 10 000 satisfaction points.

The Never Weary trait removes your sims need to sleep, which gives you more time to do other things.

Spending Satisfaction Points With A Mod

Using Weerbesu’s UI Cheats Extension mod, you can easily acquire all the items without spending a single rewards point.

While in the Rewards Store, right-click an item that interests you, and a pop-up will ask you if you want to unlock the reward for free.

Click on Unlock it, and the reward is yours. So, there would actually be no need to earn satisfaction points in the first place.

screenshot of unlocking perks at sims 4 rewards store

Final Thoughts On The Satisfaction Points Cheat

So, there you go, gaining sims 4 satisfaction points has never been easier.

There are two paths to go for, whether through an in-game command line or using third-party mods.

Both options are simple and easy to use.

Just type in a simple command line or download a mod.

These two alternatives are a much faster approach to acquiring satisfaction points than the standard way.

Now, all you need to do is, go to the rewards store, go shopping for some great perks, and enjoy.

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