21+ Sims 4 Infant Eyes: Default, Non-Default Eyes

Add the perfect final touches to your tiny tots with this collection of sims 4 infant eyes.

sims 4 infant eyes collage

What’s more important than a beautiful pair of eyes?

With so many amazing sims 4 infant eyes, you can create unique and charming infants that will capture your heart with a single gaze.

Custom content keeps getting added since the infant’s update, so it was time for a dedicated infant eyes roundup.

After you check out our infant eye collection below, you can find extra eye options in our infant cc and infant skin details posts.

Plus, you can’t have amazing eyes without matching sims 4 eyelashes and sims 4 eyebrows, so pick some new favorites for those too.

Sims 4 Infant Eyes

Below you will find a mix of infant default eyes, non-default versions, infant contacts, and plenty of heterochromia options too.

1. Sims 4 Luz V2 Eyes for Infants Updated by Minty-Plumbob

infant sims heterochromia eyes

Minty-Plumbob has updated Simandy’s LUZ v2 eyes for infants and has added heterochromia.

You’ll find the right eyes in the Skin Details section.

The LUZ eyes are super cute; they have this small reflective circle in the top right corner of the iris.

The iris themselves have an almost misty look, and the pupils are on the smaller side.

2. Sims 4 Infant Eyes CC by Remussirion

collection of sims 4 infant eyes

Remussirion has enabled so many cc eyes for infants, and this Part 1 includes a mix of beautifully detailed eyes and some scarier options.

If you prefer eyes with life-like irises, you have plenty of options available.

I also really like the Siren, but if you want to go a little dark on your infants, you can try the Ghost or Transfer eyes.

Here are the links to Part 2 and Part 3 of the infant eye updates.

3. Infant Realistic Eyes by Caroll Design

close up of 9 infant eyes

These beautiful sims 4 infant eyes are as realistic as they get with the natural detailing in the irises.

The eyes come in 9 swatches, including shades of green, blue, and brown.

This infant’s genetics set also has a small nose preset, which will also work for your sim toddlers and children.

Need some birthmarks to complete your infant’s look?

This set includes 6 birthmark swatches in shades of red and brown.

You can opt for a large birthmark near the eye on a smaller version on the side of your infant’s face.

4. Updated Eyes for Infants by Dangerouslyfreejellyfish

close up collage of 10 sets of infant eyes

Get all your favorite Dangerouslyfreejellyfish eyes, now updated for infants.

You can download up to 10 infant eyes, including the Real Eyeys, Andriana, and Lioness.

The Vex’ahlia eyes are some of my favorites with their beautiful reflective details.

5. Infant Daydreamin’ Eyes by BakerSimmer

male infant sim with bright blue eyes cc

This eye cc Reticulates has been updated, but BakerSimmer for the infants update.

These sims 4 infant eyes will give your little tots some clear and bright eyes.

The irises have small speaks in the background, and the pupil has some reflective spots.

Let your infant’s eyes take center stage.

6. Lobster Infant Eyes CC Updated by Nyssasims

female infant sim with heterochmia eyes

Nyssasims has updated these original Marigolde Lobsters eyes and now have heterochromia for all ages.

These infant eyes have a pretty shine to them and reflective spots.

There are 18 EA eye swatches, and the heterochromia can be found under Skin Details – mole right cheek.

7. Sims 4 Infant Eyes CC Set by Remussirion

collage of 6 natural infant eyes cc

This set of updated sims 4 infant eyes comes with 6 different custom content eyes.

Most of these eyes have a more realistic look to them, with beautiful blends of color in the irises.

The Primer eyes, however look like they have an extra film layer over the eye, giving them a murkier look.

8. Opal Infant Eyes Updated by Harpers Essentials

collage of 4 sims 4 infant eyes

Snap up these Llamaloaf reflective opal eyes for your household infants.

Harpers Essentials has updated these eyes this time, and they now include heterochromia.

The heterochromia opal eyes are under Skin details – right dimple.

There are 23 color swatches to try out.

9. Sims 4 Infant Eyes Pack by Pralinesims

blong female infant with light green eyes

This pack of Pralinesims eyes includes over 230 eyes from 2015 to 2019.

These eyes have been updated and are now available for your tiny tots.

The eyes pack has everything style from natural-looking eyes, spiderweb eyes, alien eyes, cloudy style eyes, and countless more.

10. Sims 4 Infant Eye Contacts by Poyopoyosim

collage of 16 eyes cc

These stunning eye contacts have all been enabled for your infant sims.

There are 12 eye contacts to try, including the unique Sectoral heterochromia shown at N7 above.

The N5 and N14 eye contacts are also some of my favorites too.

11. Sims 4 Dolce V2 for Infants by Wrixie

infant sim in bear outfit with round eyes

Your favorite Dolce V2 eyes are now available as default eye replacements for infants.

This set includes the option for heterochromia infant eyes, and these Dolce eyes come in 19 swatches.

12. Infant Clarity Eyes Set by Noodles CC

infant sims and occults with eye cc

This 3-piece download set includes the Clarity Eyes for infants.

You can opt for the default eyes, the non-default clarity eyes, or the alien default eyes.

The alien infant eyes add the perfect touch to your alien household members.

13. Infants Genetics Eyes Set by Obscurus & Melancholic

sims 4 infants standing together

What do you get when two great cc creators come together? A fantastic set of sims 4 infants and toddler genetics.

Since infant eyes are the focus of this post, let’s start there; this set includes 10 eyes presets.

Obscurus’s part also includes lip and ear presets and a cc skin.

For melancholic, the part includes a mix of infant skin overlays, baby hairs, eyebrows, contacts, and mouth saliva.

You can get Obscurus’s part now, but Melancholic’s is currently available on Patreon for early access.

14. Whisper Infant Eyes by Dangerouslyfreejellyfish

infant sim in bear suit with blue round eyes

These pretty Whisper eyes have been updated for infants, so now the whole family can share the same sweet gaze.

There are 20 swatches, and while they are all lovely, I especially love the green and blue options for this particular eye.

15. Sims 4 Infant Default Eyes by Squea

blond female sim with striking brown eyes

Squea’s dynastid eyes have been updated for your infants (except for heterochromia).

These eyes are quite striking and, depending on the swatch, look like they have some light towards the inner iris.

There are 18 swatches for the default human eyes.

You can also opt for pet, cottage living, and occult replacements.

A second download file is available for 54 addon color swatches.

16. Jo Eyes for Sims 4 Infants by Nintensims

female sims modeling a sims 4 eye set

Add some hand-drawn irises to your cc folder with this sims 4 infant eyes.

These eyes are available for all ages and come in a few versions;

  • Default,
  • Non-default
  • Facepaint + heterochromia

Pick your favorite swatch from the 18 EA colors or the extra 24 colors.

17. Shiny N1 Infant Eyes by LuxySims

infant sim with large shiny green eyes

Let your tot’s eyes shine with these non-default sims 4 infant eyes.

These beautiful reflective eyes are available in 30 colors, including light, medium, and dark swatches.

18. Sims 4 Infant N5 Eyes by Moriel

elve sim with clear blue eyes

With such attention to detail, these N5 eyes look stunning and like you’re gazing into clear crystal waters.

There are 40 beautiful swatches, including classic eye colors and more unique ones.

These infant-enabled eyes are available in both default and non-default versions.

19. Infant Felicity Eyes Updated by Airriol

close up of infant sim with reflective eyes

Airriol has updated Aveira’s Felicity eyes for infants, and these eyes are available in default, non-default, and heterochromia.

These lovely eyes remind me of marbles with their glass-like look.

Find your favorite color from the 18 available swatches.

20. Delicate Infant Eyes by Aoifae

two infant sims with downward eyes

Aoifae (now citrlet) Delicate eyes are now available for all ages, including your little infants.

These default eyes are adorable with their reflective dots and color details.

21. Vampire Infant Eyes by Miss Ruby Bird

vampire infant with bright eyes

Since we love ourselves some vampire cc, I had to include these infants’ Aqua Trigger Vampire eyes.

For some reason, these eyes are giving me Village of Dammned vibes.

These infant eyes come in 8 default swatches and one non-default option for the full black swatch.

22. Sims 4 Eyes Enabled for Infants by Remussirion

collage of 6 sims 4 infant eyes

These facepaint sims 4 infant eyes are enabled for infants.

There are 6 eye options to try out.

Why not give your infants a mysterious look with the Ghost eyes or a touch of Medieval flare with the Belladonna eyes?

Sims 4 Infant Eyes Recap

With so many beautiful sims 4 infant eyes available in the community, it will be hard to pick a favorite.

Each little infant sim deserves a unique look, making all the eye cc options a great find.

Try out some new styles and see which types of eyes fit your infants best.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us on Tumblr.

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